Soft vs Hard Tonneau Cover: Which is Better for Your Truck?

When it comes to protecting your truck bed, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing between a soft or hard tonneau cover. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each type of cover to help you make an informed decision.

Soft vs Hard Tonneau Cover

Are Hard Tonneau Covers or Soft Tonneau Covers Better For A Truck?

Hard tonneau covers are considered better than soft covers. Hard tonneau covers are more durable, secure, and stylish than soft covers. However, you may opt for a soft cover if you want a more affordable tonneau cover that is easier to take on and of than the hard covers.

Soft tonneau covers are typically made from vinyl or canvas materials and are known for their affordability and ease of use. They are lightweight and easy to install, making them a popular choice for truck owners who need to frequently access their cargo. However, soft covers are not as durable as hard covers and may not provide as much security or protection against harsh weather conditions.

On the other hand, hard tonneau covers are made from materials such as fiberglass or aluminum and offer superior durability and security. They are more expensive than soft covers and can be heavier and more difficult to install, but they provide a more permanent solution for truck owners who need to protect their cargo from theft or weather damage. Hard covers also tend to have a sleeker, more stylish appearance than soft covers, which may be important for some truck owners.


When it comes to durability, both soft and hard tonneau covers have their pros and cons. However, hard covers are generally considered to be more durable than soft covers.

Hard covers are made of materials such as fiberglass, aluminum, and ABS plastic, which are highly resistant to impact and weather damage. They are also less likely to fade or crack over time, making them a better long-term investment.

Soft vs Hard Tonneau Cover

On the other hand, soft covers are typically made of vinyl or canvas, which are prone to wear and tear over time. They may also be more susceptible to damage from extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow. However, many soft covers are treated with UV inhibitors to help prevent fading and cracking.

It’s important to note that the durability of a tonneau cover also depends on how well it’s maintained. Regular cleaning and proper storage can help extend the life of both soft and hard covers.

That means you may want to rethink taking your tonneau cover through the automatic carwash!

Soft Tonneau CoverHard Tonneau Cover
Prone to wear and tear over timeHighly resistant to impact and weather damage
May be more susceptible to damage from extreme weather conditionsLess likely to fade or crack over time
Treated with UV inhibitors to help prevent fading and cracking

Overall, if you’re looking for a tonneau cover that will last for years to come, a hard cover is likely your best bet. However, if you’re on a tight budget or don’t need the highest level of durability, a soft cover may be a more affordable option.


When it comes to security, both soft and hard tonneau covers offer some level of protection for your cargo. However, hard covers tend to be more secure than soft covers. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Locking Mechanism: Hard covers usually have a more secure locking mechanism than soft covers. Most hard covers come with a built-in lock that secures the cover to the truck bed, making it difficult for thieves to access your cargo. Soft covers, on the other hand, usually have a less secure locking mechanism, such as snaps or velcro, which can be easily opened by a determined thief.
  • Material: Hard covers are made of more durable materials, such as aluminum or fiberglass, which are difficult to cut or break into. Soft covers, on the other hand, are made of vinyl or canvas, which can be cut open with a sharp object.
  • Visibility: Hard covers usually have a more streamlined design that makes it difficult for thieves to see what’s inside the truck bed. Soft covers, on the other hand, can be easily lifted up to reveal the contents of the truck bed.

While hard covers offer more security than soft covers, it’s important to note that no cover is completely foolproof.

A determined thief can still find a way to break into your truck bed, regardless of the type of cover you have. However, a hard cover can deter most thieves and make it more difficult for them to access your cargo.

Security FeaturesSoft CoverHard Cover
Locking MechanismLess secureMore secure
MaterialEasier to cut or break intoDifficult to cut or break into
VisibilityEasier to lift up and see contentsMore streamlined design that makes it difficult to see contents


Soft vs Hard Tonneau Cover 1

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing between a soft and hard tonneau cover is the installation process.

Generally, soft covers are easier to install than hard covers, and can often be done without the need for any special tools or equipment. Hard covers, on the other hand, can be more difficult to install and may require some drilling or other modifications to your truck bed.

Soft covers usually come with a set of clamps or other fasteners that allow you to secure the cover to your truck bed without the need for any drilling or modifications. This makes them a popular choice for truck owners who want a cover that can be easily removed or reinstalled as needed.

Hard covers, on the other hand, typically require a bit more work to install. Depending on the type of cover you choose, you may need to drill holes in your truck bed or install special brackets or hardware to secure the cover in place. This can be a time-consuming process, and may require some specialized tools or equipment.

However, once a hard cover is installed, it tends to be more secure and durable than a soft cover.

Hard covers are often made from materials like fiberglass or aluminum, which are more resistant to damage and wear than the vinyl or canvas used in soft covers. This means that while hard covers may be more difficult to install, they can provide better protection for your cargo in the long run.

Ultimately, the choice between a soft and hard tonneau cover will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you value ease of installation and affordability, a soft cover may be the right choice for you. But if you prioritize security and durability, a hard cover may be the better option.


When it comes to cost, soft tonneau covers are generally less expensive than hard tonneau covers. Soft covers typically range from $150 to $600, while hard covers can range from $500 to $2,500 or more.

However, it’s important to consider the long-term cost and value of each type of cover. Soft covers may be less expensive upfront, but they may need to be replaced more frequently due to wear and tear. Hard covers, on the other hand, are more durable and may last longer, ultimately providing better value over time.

It’s also worth noting that the cost of installation can vary depending on the type of cover and the vehicle it’s being installed on. Some covers may require professional installation, which can add to the overall cost.

Type of CoverPrice RangeLong-Term Value
Soft$150-$600May need to be replaced more frequently
Hard$500-$2,500+More durable and may last longer

Ultimately, the cost of a tonneau cover will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of cover, the quality of materials, and the installation process. It’s important to weigh the upfront cost against the long-term value to determine which option is the best fit for your budget and needs.


Soft vs Hard Tonneau Cover 2

When it comes to maintenance, both soft and hard tonneau covers require regular upkeep to ensure they last long and function properly. However, the type of maintenance required can differ between the two.

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Soft tonneau covers:

  • Should be cleaned regularly with mild soap and water to prevent dirt and debris buildup.
  • May require re-tightening of the cover and adjustments to the tension system over time to ensure a snug fit.
  • May need to be treated with a protectant to prevent fading and cracking due to exposure to the sun.
  • May need to be repaired or replaced if tears or holes occur in the cover material.

Hard tonneau covers:

  • Should also be cleaned regularly with mild soap and water to prevent dirt and debris buildup which may cause vehicle rust over time.
  • May require lubrication of the hinges and locks to ensure smooth operation.
  • May need to be waxed periodically to maintain the finish and protect against UV damage.
  • May need to be repaired or replaced if cracks or other damage occur in the cover material.

Overall, the maintenance required for both types of tonneau covers is relatively simple and straightforward. However, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and upkeep to ensure the cover remains in good condition and functions properly.

A comparison table of the maintenance requirements for soft and hard tonneau covers can help illustrate the differences:

Soft Tonneau CoverHard Tonneau Cover
CleaningRegular cleaning with mild soap and waterRegular cleaning with mild soap and water
Tension systemMay require re-tightening and adjustments over timeN/A
ProtectantMay need to be treated to prevent fading and crackingMay need to be waxed periodically to protect against UV damage
RepairsMay need to be repaired or replaced if tears or holes occurMay need to be repaired or replaced if cracks or damage occur


After considering the pros and cons of soft and hard tonneau covers, it’s clear that both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice ultimately depends on the individual’s needs and preferences.

If you’re looking for a more affordable and versatile option, a soft tonneau cover may be the way to go. They’re easy to install and remove, and they can provide decent protection against the elements and theft. However, they may not be as durable or secure as hard covers, and they may not offer as much protection against heavy rain or snow.

On the other hand, if you’re willing to invest more money and prioritize security and durability, a hard tonneau cover may be the better choice. They’re typically made of high-quality materials like fiberglass or aluminum, and they can withstand harsh weather conditions and potential break-ins. However, they can be more difficult to install and remove, and they may limit the height of your cargo.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons and decide which type of tonneau cover fits your needs and budget. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve provided a comparison table below:

Soft Tonneau CoverHard Tonneau Cover
More affordableMore expensive
Easy to install and removeMore difficult to install and remove
Lightweight and versatileHeavy and may limit cargo height
Provides decent protection against elements and theftOffers superior security and durability